Journal of Christian Teaching Practice, Volume 4, No. 1, 2017

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Book Reviews

Ward, Annalee (2017). Networked Theology: Negotiating Faith in Digital Culture, by Heidi A. Campbell and Stephen Garner (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2016) [Book Review]. Journal of Christian Teaching Practice 4(1), [a publication of the Christianity and Communication Studies Network,, copyright 2017]Networked Theology


Hatch, John (2017). “Dancing Lessons”: Using a Dialogic Text to Promote Racial Awareness and Reconciliation,” Journal of Christian Teaching Practice 4(1),

Kelly, Douglas L. (2017). “Co-creating Spaces as a Faith Integration Strategy,” Journal of Christian Teaching Practice 4(1),

Olsen, Richard K. (2017). “In It with Them: Embracing Process and Authenticity as Transformational Points of Connection,” Journal of Christian Teaching Practice 4(1),