A Prayer for Communication, by David and Jonathan Bennett

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Lord, we ask for Your grace and blessing as we try to spread the gospel message through the various media available to us in our day. Through both word and deed, may we act like Your disciples and be an example of joy and hope to our beleaguered brothers and sisters. On social media and the internet, may we remember Christian charity, patience, and gentleness. In our interactions with others in the workplace, home, and around town, may we remember that we represent You and show Your goodness, kindness, and mercy to all we meet. Within our families and circles of friends, may we strive to be the most loving and giving. If there are areas in our lives where we have become closed, secretive, bitter, or resentful, help us to open ourselves up to the Light and be filled with forgiveness and generosity. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.


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