The Christianity & Communication Studies Network is a free, interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in exploring questions at the intersection between Christianity and communication. We share resources, collaborate, and stay current in the field. Learn about membership benefits. Learn what non-members can access. Attend live presentations.

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Christianity & Communication Studies Network

Christianity & Communication Studies Network

An interactive community of scholars, teachers, and others interested in Christianity & Communication

A Prayer for Growth in Grace, by St. Irenaeus. Pray with us now: ... See MoreSee Less
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How do you communicate love? How do you interpret messages as loving? How does God communicate his love to you, moment by moment? Learn more: ... See MoreSee Less
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ICYMI, learn more about Integratio Press' latest release from Robert Stephen Reid. Please share: ... See MoreSee Less
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Tim reviews the key arguments and contributions of this Integratio Press publication by Naaman Wood and Sean Connable. Learn more: ... See MoreSee Less
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Join Mark as he shares key lessons of ancient education, classic rhetoric, and pagan religion for a Pos-Christian World from his new book. Learn more: ... See MoreSee Less
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Tim reviews the key arguments and contributions of this Integratio Press publication by Naaman Wood and Sean Connable. Learn more:

Join Mark as he shares key lessons of ancient education, classic rhetoric, and pagan religion for a Pos-Christian World from his new book. Learn more:

ICYMI, learn about Kristos Logos Paideia, a global undergraduate honor society for Christian communication scholars. Learn more:

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