Coming Soon, Awakening the Quieter Virtues: Shouting Softly in a Noisy World, by Gregory Spencer

Awakening the Quieter Virtues: Shouting Softly in a Noisy World

Available, February 2024

Author: Gregory Spencer

Foreword: Annalee R. Ward

ISBN paperback TBA

ISBN ebook TBA


Total Pages: 250

Price: $25.00

[Return to Integratio Press]


In this updated and expanded version of the author’s earlier offering on the subject matter, we are treated to more timeless insights and expressions of wisdom. Big, colorful virtues like courage and decisiveness in crisis easily get our attention. But more often it is those everyday values like humility and authenticity and moderation that shape us much more profoundly. Lost in our noisy, flashy, gaudy, and hyper-connected world are the quiet virtues that work behind the scenes—molding our character, guiding our actions, and enriching our lives. The author unfolds the beauty and nature of each, showing us how to take notice of discernment, innocence, generosity, authenticity and more. In this book you will discover how far from being dull these quieter virtues actually are. Though often hidden, they play a formative role in who we become and what we do in every aspect of our lives.


“In the past, I’ve turned to the writings of Foster and Eugene Peterson for wisdom and practical help in developing these ‘quieter virtues.’ I’ll be putting Awakening the Quieter Virtues on the shelf right next to them.”

Paul Tokunaga, vice president and director of strategic ministries, InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA

“Greg Spencer’s weighty (and funny!) book shows how virtue, like still water, runs deep in ways our noisy culture—and noisy people—routinely miss. Awakening the Quieter Virtues perfectly embodies Chesterton’s dictum that the loud things are usually ‘small publicities,’ no big deal, and that the quiet things are often ‘gigantic secrets,’ real treasures that when sought after will change your life. And he makes you laugh while he does it!”

Ben Patterson, campus pastor, Westmont College

“Long after reading Greg Spencer’s book, Awakening the Quieter Virtues, it influences and guides both my life and my writing. He clearly and compassionately writes about contentment in a way that settles a worried mind. I believe the book has even more power in today’s world for those who wonder how to work and give thanks, discover what is important, and put hope in God. Now I’m going to go read the book again.”

Bruce Kirkpatrick, author of the Lumberjack Jesus series of books

“When the inhumane rule of vice is deafening, there is need for a word that quietly pierces through the noise. Awakening the Quieter Virtues is that prophetic word. In this book’s pages we are pointed to a holier way, one that honors the gift of life we have been given. Take up and read!”

Brian Lugioyo, Dean, School of Theology, Seattle Pacific Seminary; Professor of Theology and Ethics

“In our high tech, hyper-distracted, and fast-moving age, there has never been a better time to slow down and follow the lessons that Greg Spencer brings to life in Awakening the Quieter Virtues. With care, expertise, and humor, Spencer calls us to reduce the noise and elevate a series of soul-affirming and meaningful practices where peace, truth, and possibility reside.”

Don Waisenen, Professor of Communication, Baruch College, CUNY, Author of Improv for Democracy


Gregory Spencer (PhD, University of Oregon) and has taught about words, perception, narrative, and the importance of questions for thirty years at Westmont College. He is currently Professor Emeritus at Westmont College. He has published two novels (The Welkening and Guardian of the Veil), two works of nonfiction (A Heart for Truth and Awakening the Quieter Virtues), and dozens of articles, poems, and op-ed pieces. He lives in Santa Barbara, CA, with his wife of over forty years. They have three married daughters and four grandchildren, all of whom live too far away. He enjoys gardening, tennis, hiking, and asking involved dinner questions.