Digital Proverbs in Response to Silicon Valley’s Moral Catechism

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Presenter and Affiliation: Kevin Healey, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Communication, University of New Hampshire

When? Thursday, Dec. 12, 10-11 am EST.

What? Most popular digital platforms promote a set of ideological biases (or “digital worldview”) that we call the “moral catechism of Silicon Valley.” Make no mistake about it, this catechism is as much like any other set of religious rites and rituals that re-define who we are, how we should act, and what kinds of human beings we should be. In the process of setting forth certain do’s and don’ts for proper digital living, the catechism falsely equates technological capacities with specific human virtues. In response, to develop digital platforms that promote human freedom and socio-economic equality, we must maintain a clear distinction between technological (instrumental) capacities and the (non-instrumental) capacity for human virtue. Toward these ends, I will outline a set of guiding principles or “proverbs” aimed at confronting Silicon Valley’s moral catechism and fostering a more humane digital environment that include the following: (1) information is not wisdom; (2) transparency is not authenticity; (3) convergence is not integrity; (4) processing is not judgment; and (5) storage is not memory. Pedagogical applications that equip students to faithfully confront the moral catechism and its effects on their lives will be considered.

Link to Recorded Webinar here:

Learn more about Dr. Healey here:

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