New Podcast, “Neither Jew, Nor Greek,” by Tayo Banjo

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Coming in June! A New Podcast Hosted by the CCSN, with Tayo Banjo, PhD

Podcast Title: Neither Jew, Nor Greek
with Omotayo (Tayo) Banjo

Foundation:  Galatians 3: 25-29

“Now that this faith has come, we are no longer under a guardian. So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ. There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise.”

Purpose: The purpose of this podcast is to engage in scholarly and scriptural conversations about the cultural divisions in Christ’s body which prevent us from being One. Jesus expressed in John 13:35 that the world would know we were followers of the Messiah by how we love one another. In addition to our personal biases, there are systems in place that offer arguments and perpetuate ideas about one another that have threatened Jesus’s mission of oneness. This podcast focusses on interpersonal process as well as systems of communication (i.e. entertainment, news media, church organizations) that contribute to our divisions.

Omotayo (Tayo) Banjo (Ph.D., Penn State University) is a committed Christian, professor, and scholar in the areas of communication and identity. She is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Cincinnati. She is the co-editor of a collection of essays, Contemporary Christian Culture: Morals, Missions, & Dilemma and as a child of Nigerian immigrants holds an intersectional perspective. Talking with lay persons, church leaders, and communication scholars, host Dr. Tayo Banjo will facilitate difficult discussions and draw out insightful information that can help Christians of every cultural background contend with our own biases and ways in which we fall short of the Father’s call. The goal is not to condemn but bring us to understanding and repentance.

Time: 30 mins

Format: Interview/Conversation


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