New Vlog Entry, Voice and the Power of Everyday Communication, by Stephanie Bennett

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Vlog Description: Welcome to the Secret Place where we discuss faith, communication, and culture. The Secret Place is a boutique channel produced with love (not numbers) to inspire and uplift. Each message begins with a short introduction to a new favorite book. This song is In The Secret Place by Stephanie Bennett on the album Toward the Lamb. For more resources on communication, faith, and culture, please visit our sponsor, the Christianity and Communication Studies Network at


This week’s entry: Today we start with Walter J. Ong’s beautiful text, the Presence of the Word. Through it, we’ll consider what it means to communicate with one’s voice as opposed to communication through writing or images. Let’s think together today what it means that “sound reciprocates.” The sound of our voice helps us know the other rather than just knowing facts about him or her. Whether it is God (the ultimate Speaker), or our neighbor, friend, or spouse, we need informal conversations.  Conversations help us grow, stretch, and make meaning of the world and our place in it.

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