Three Recently Recorded Webinars: C. S. Lewis; Disagreeing Without Dividing the Church; and Nonviolent Communication

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Below is a link to our recently recorded webinars for personal or classroom use. Please share. And please follow CCSN on Facebook (

1. C. S. Lewis and the Craft of Communication

Presenter and AffiliationSteven A. Beebe, Ph.D., Regents’ and University Distinguished Professor Emeritus, Texas State University

Description: C. S. Lewis, based on the popularity of his books and essays, is hailed as one of the best Christian communicators of the twentieth century. This presentation describes what Lewis did that made him a successful communicator based on both what he said about communication in his own writing as well as his application of communication techniques. The presentation is based, in part, on a manuscript Dr. Beebe discovered at Oxford University written by C. S. Lewis that was the partial opening chapter of a book that was to be co-authored with J. R. R. Tolkien called Language and Human Nature. 

Link to Recorded Webinar

Learn more about Dr. Beebe here


2. Winsome Conviction: Politics. Diversity. Immigration. COVID-19

Presenters: Tim Muehlhoff, Ph.D., and Rick Langer, Ph.D., Biola University

Date/Time: Tuesday, January 19, 6-7 pm EST

Description: In today’s polarized context, Christians often have committed, biblical rationales for very different positions. How can we navigate disagreements with civility, compassion, and perspective-taking? Join Tim Muehlhoff and Rick Langer as they provide insight from conflict theory and church history on how to negotiate differing biblical convictions in order to cultivate winsome and productive conversations with those in the church pew, faculty lounge, or classroom.

Link to Recorded Webinar:

Learn more about the authors:;
Winsome Conviction Project website:


3. Nonviolent Word: Communication with the Grain of the Universe

Presenters and Affiliation: Gerald J. Mast, Ph.D., (Professor of Communication), and J. Denny Weaver, Ph.D., (Professor Emeritus of Religion) Bluffton University.

Date and time: Thursday, November 19, 2020, 5-6 EST

Description: Working from an Anabaptist perspective on how the Word of God functions in the Bible and in the cosmos, Weaver and Mast will explore the implications of their hypothesis that God’s Word is a nonviolent word, as outlined in their new book: Nonviolent Word: Anabaptism, the Bible, and the Grain of the Universe (Pickwick, 2020). Weaver will address the theological and biblical grounds for this proposal and Mast will suggest implications for how Christians teach and practice communication in a divided world that has not been well-served by pragmatic models of shared meaning and rhetorical advocacy.

Link to Recorded Webinar:

Learn more about the presenters

J. Denny Weaver and Gerald J. Mast, Nonviolent Word: Anabaptism, the Bible, and the Grain of the Universe,

Gerald J. Mast, “Wisdom speaks: how Abigail saves David”:

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