Vlog entry, Discerning and Listening Skills, with Stephanie Bennett

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Description: [in this episode] Is there a tool in our communication treasure chest that can help us feel more confident and steady in our faith? Yes, indeed! It is not a one-size-fits-all way of gaining the Lord’s guidance, but it is a way to gain spiritual muscle, and that way is called discernment. We learn to “walk in the Spirit” as we grow in discernment, leaning into the Lord and listening closely to the still small Voice of God.  Here we are, back again to the basics. Whether it’s with the Lord or with our friends and family, listening is key to a strong, flourishing relationship.

The Secret Place is a boutique channel produced with love (not numbers) to inspire and uplift. Each message begins with a short introduction to a new favorite book. This song is In The Secret Place by Stephanie Bennett on the album Toward the Lamb. For more resources on communication, faith, and culture, please visit our sponsor, the Christianity and Communication Studies Network at www.theCCSN.com.

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